Dr. Dieter Reinhardt

Kontakt: dieter.reinhardt[at]ymail.com


Focal Points, Actual Research, Recent Publications, Lectures, CV        


Focal Points of Research and Teaching

  • UN missions in violent conflicts and humanitarian assistance

  • New forms of regionalisation in South Asia and Sino-Indian relation

  • Migration and the Bangladesch diaspora

  • Water conflicts, desaster prevention and development policy in South Asia

  • Foreign policy of the Federal Republic of Germany after 1949  


Actual Research

"Globalisation, mobility and migration - the example of the Bangladeshi diaspora"

Global migration is accompanied by new forms of self-organisation of migrant groups and transnational identity networks. They are based on competing cultural, political and religious worldviews. Family and friendship structures, private financial transfers, continuous travel, the founding of associations and the communication techniques of the Internet are constitutive elements of this self-organisation. Using the example of Bangladeshi diaspora groups in Germany and other European countries, the project analyses on the one hand the internal socio-cultural and political dynamics in these groups as well as their perception and the evaluation of socio-cultural and political developments in the respective host countries. On the other hand, the effects of state 'integration policies' on these dynamics are examined. The specific migration experiences of diaspora groups that have existed for several decades, of newly immigrated migrants with different professional qualifications and forms of self-employment as well as of students and politically persecuted persons are taken into account.
The project is co-financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) of the European Commission and is carried out in cooperation with the "Verein zur Förderung der Bildung" (Salzwedel).



Recent Publications 

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2022): Coal, Capital and Conflicts, The Rampal power plant in Bangladesh, the protection of the Sundarbans and the role of German companies, Heinrich Böll Foundation, under
  • Together with Anja Senz (eds.) (2014): Task Force: Connecting India, China and Southeast Asia – New Socio-Economic Developments, Duisburg Working Papers on East Asian Studies, No. 97, 2014, Duisburg, under
  • Reinhardt, Dieter, 2012: Weltregieren im Problemfeld Humanitäre Hilfe, UN-Koordination in komple­xen Notstandsgebieten seit Ende des Ost-West-Konflikts: Funktionsweise und Reformbedarf (PhD Disser­tation), Universität Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg [Title in English: Global Governance in the field of humanitarian assistance, UN coordination in complex emergencies since the end of the Cold War: Modes of operation and Need for Reform], under

  • http://duepublico.uni-duisburg-essen.de/servlets/DerivateServlet/Derivate-32042/Reinhardt_Diss.pdf 

  • Together with Anja Senz (eds.) (2010): Green Governance – One Solution for Two Problems? Climate Change and Economic Shocks: Risk Perceptions and Coping Strategies in China, India and Bangladesh, in: Green Series (Duisburg Working Papers on East Asian Studies), Studies, 86 (2010), Duisburg, 2010, 88 pages, under

    Reinhardt, Dieter (Ed. And co-author (1997): Die Katastrophe, die Not und das Geschäft, Das Beispiel Bangladesch . München: C. H. Beck Verlag, 194 pp. [Title in English: Desaster, suffering and business; the example Bangladesh]

Contributions to book publications

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2022). Konkurrierende Konzepte in der Integrations- und Migrationspolitik. In: K3B – Kompetenzzentrum für kommunale Konfliktberatung (2022) (Hg.). Niemanden zurücklassen, Herausforderungen und Chancen für Kommunen in Zeiten gesellschaftlichen Wandels, Salzwedel, p. 31-36, [Title in English: Competing concepts in integration and migration policy], see

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2021). „Multikulti“ im Bundeskanzleramt und postmigrantische Gesellschaft in der abgeschotteten EU-Festung?. In: Großmann, Katrin/Maria Budnik/Annegret Haase/ et al. (2021). An Konfikten wachsen oder scheitern? Beiträge zur Reflexion eines komplexen Phänomens, Erfurt, p. 123-141 [Title in English: "Multiculturalism" in the Federal Chancellery and post-migrant society in the sealed-off EU fortress?], see
  • https://www.migrachance.de/an-konflikten-wachsen-oder-scheitern/

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2021). The Corona pandemic: calculations and heavy future impacts? (Original করোনা মহামারি পাল্টে দিচ্ছে সকল হিসাব-কিতাব, কিন্তু কোন পথে এই পরিবর্তন? / Corona Mohamari Palte Dicche Sokol Hisab-Kitab, Kintu Kon Pothe Ei Poribortan?). In: Ahmed, Mesbahuddin (Hg.).The Aggression of Twenty-first Century's Pandemic: Loss, Perspectives and Probabilities (Original একুশ শতকের অতিমারি আগ্রাসন : ক্ষতি, প্রেক্ষিত প্রতিসম্ভাবনা / Ekush Shotoker Otimari Aggrason: Khhoti, Prekkhit, O Protishomvabona), March 2021, Dhaka,  pp. 209-217

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2020). Diaspora-Gemeinden zwischen Abgrenzung und Integration. In: : Kompetenzzentrum Kommunale Konfliktberatung/Vereins zur Förderung der Bildung (Hg.) (2020). Dokumentation der Fachtagung „Mitmachen, mitdenken, mitstreiten – Kommunales Leben braucht Beteiligung“ 14. und 15. November 2019 in Magdeburg und Oschersleben (Bode), p. 11-12, [Title in English: Diaspora-Gemeinden zwischen Abgrenzung und Integration], see https://www.vfb-saw.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Dokumentation_Fachtagung_2019.pdf 

  • Reinhardt, Dieter/Olga Basnet (2020) Die Corona-Pandemie in Nordostindien und in „Mainland India“: Verstärkung existierender Ungleichheiten. In: Stiftung Asienhaus und phillippinenbüro e.V. (Hg.) (2020). Corona in Asien: Menschenrechtsverletzungen und Ungleichheit im Schatten der Pandemie-Bekämpfung, , Nov. 2020, p. 14-16, [Title in English: The Corona Pandemic in Northeast India and "Mainland India": Reinforcing Existing Inequalities.], see
  • https://www.asienhaus.de/fileadmin/_migrated/news_uploads/Broschuere_Corona-in-Asien_2020.pdf

  • Reinhardt, Dieter/Denis Dijkzeul (2013). Das internationale humanitäre System und seine Akteure, in: Lieser, Jürgen/Dennis Dijkzeul (Hg.) (2013): Handbuch Humanitäre Hilfe: Theorie und Praxis des Hel­fens in Gewaltkonflikten und Naturkatastrophen, Springer-Verlag, ISBN: 3642322891, Berlin, Kapitel 5 [Titles in English: The International Humanitarian System and its Actors, in: Lieser, Jürgen/Dennis Dijkzeul (eds.) (2013). Handbook of Humanitarian Assistance: Theory and Practice of Helping in Violent Conflicts and Natural Disasters]

  • Reinhardt, Dieter/Bernd Ludermann (2006). Humanitäre Katastrophen und das System der humanitären Hilfe im Wandel, in: Debiel, T./D. Messner/F. Nuscheler, (Hg.), Globale Trends 2007. Frieden, Ent­wicklung, Umwelt. Frankfurt/M.: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 2006, p. 247-265 [Title in English: Huma­nitarian crises and the changing system of humanitarian aid]

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2001). Bilaterale zivile Konfliktbearbeitung von Staaten in Westeuropa, in: Öster­reichisches Studienzentrum für Frieden und Konfliktlösung/ Stadtschlainigen (Hg.), Zivile Konfliktbearbeitung, Eine internationale Herausforderung, Münster, 2001, p. 281-302 [Title in English: Bilateral civil conflict management by states in Western Europe]

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (1999). Staaten und Krisenprävention. Das Beispiel der nordeuropäischen Länder – ein Modellfall?, in: Österreichisches Studienzentrum für Frieden und Konfliktlösung (ÖSFK), Jahrbuch 1999, Münster, 1999, p. 335-352 

    [Title in English: States and Crisis Prevention. The Example of Northern European Countries - A Model Case?]



  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2020). Auf gute Zusammenarbiet, Deutsch-Indische Rüstungskooperation. In: Südasien, Zeitschrift des Südasien Büros e.V., Nr. 4, 2020, p. 41-42 [Title in English: To good cooperation, German-Indian armanments cooperation]
  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2019): A global common good : Improving financing for UN humanitarian aid, New York: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Global Policy and Development, June 2019, see http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/usa/15539.pdf or https://reliefweb.int/report/world/global-common-good-improving-financing-un-humanitarian-aid

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2019): Role of consulting firms in energy sector/Bangladesh, in: New Age, 14. and 15. March 2019 (in two parts), see www.newagebd.net/credit/Dieter_Reinhardt 

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2018). Review of the book: 'Ali Riaz, Lived Islam & Islamism in Bangladesh', Dhaka, Prothoma Prokashan, 2017, in: ASIEN, Nr. 149 (Oktober 2018), S. 138–139

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2018): Hilfsprojekte als Ware, Rezension des Buches: 'Monika Krause, Das gute Projekt. Humanitäre Hilfsorganisationen und die Fragmentierung der Vernunft', Hamburger Edition, Hamburg 2017. 268 Seiten, in: Blätter iz3w, September/Oktober 2018, S. 368 [Title in English: Humanitarian projects as a good, Review of the book: 'Monika Krause, The good project, humanitarian organisations and the fragmentation of rationality', Hamburger Edition, 2017, 268 pages]
  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2017): Debatte um Pflichtbeiträge, in: Welt-Sichten, Maganzin für Globale Entwicklung und Ökumenische Zusammenarbeit, 18.8.2017 [Title in English: Debate on mandatory contributions], see 

  • Dieter Reinhardt (2017). Gewaltkonflikte und illegaler Handel. Die fragile Grenzregion zwischen Indien und Myanmar. In: SÜDASIEN, 37. Jg., Heft 4-2017, S. 46-48 [Title in English: Violent conflicts and illegal trade: fragile border regions between India and Myanmar]

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2017): Humanitäre Hilfe: Pflichtbeiträge für die Vereinten Nationen, in: Welt-Sichten, Magazin für Globale Entwicklung und Ökumenische Zusammenarbeit, Interview, Heft 8. August 2017, S. 6 [Title in English: Humanitarian Assistance, Assessed contributions for the UN?], see

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2017): Pflichtbeiträge oder Freiwilligkeit, in: Vereinte Nationen, 2017, Nr. 3, S. 116-121 [Title in English: Voluntary and mandatory contributions?]
  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2015): Sammelrezension, Sino-Indische Beziehungen, Gefangen im Sicherheitsdi- lemma?, in: ASIEN/The German Journal of Contemporary Asia, No. 136 (Juli 2015), S. 132-134  [Title in English: Omnibus review; Sino-indian relations, trapped in the security dilemma?]
  • Together with Anja Senz (2014): Closer Cooperation in the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar (BCIM) Region – A New Success Story of Asian Regionalism?, in: Senz, Anja/Dieter Reinhardt (eds.) 2014: Task Force: Connecting India, China and Southeast Asia – New Socio-Economic Develop­ments (see above), p. 9-14

  • Together with Anja Senz (2014): Sino-indische Beziehungen: Perspektiven für die Grenzregion, in: WeltTrends, Heft 99/2014, S.96-103 [Title in English: Sino-indian relations, perspectives for the border region]

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2012): ‚ Politische Ökonomie’ von UN-Friedensmissionen, in: Vereinte Nationen, Heft 3, 2012, Berlin, p. 87-88 [Title in English: Political Economy of UN-Peacekeeping Missions]
  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2011): Strukturprobleme der internationalen humanitären Hilfe: Labile UN-Strukturen, schwaches Finanzierungssystem, geostrategische Interessen, in: Vereinte Nationen, Heft 2, 2011, Berlin, 2011, p. 51-56 [Title in English: Structural problems of international humanitarian assistance: fragile UN structures, weak financing system, geostrategic interests]

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2011): Internationale humanitäre Hilfe zum Überleben - zwischen völkerrechtlicher Verpflichtung, nationalstaatlichen Interessen und Spendenmarkt, in: Internationale Politik und Gesell­schaft (IPG), Nr. 4. 2011, p. 151-161 [Title in English: International humanitarian assistance to survive – between legal obligation, national interests and private funding markets]

  • Reinhardt, Dieter/Anja Senz (2010): Conclusions: Risks, the Green New Deal, and Green Governance – Les­sons from South and East Asia, in: Senz, Anja/Dieter Reinhardt (eds.), see above, p. 73-84

  • Dieter Reinhardt / Özlem Ipiv (2010): Sustainable Green Investments and Policies in Bangladesh: Two problems - One Solution? in: Senz, Anja / Dieter Reinhardt (eds.), see above, p. 64-72

  • Reinhardt, Dieter/Anja Senz (2010): Introduction: Crisis Perception and Green Governance in Comparative Perspective: Questions, Concerns and Format of the Publication, in: Senz, Anja / Dieter Reinhardt (eds.), see above, p. 9-12

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2009): Klimawandel, Armut und politische Instabilität – Unterschiedliche Wahrneh­mung von Krisenpotentialen in Bangladesch, China und Indien, in: FriEnt Impulse 12/2009 (Hg.: Arbeits­gemeinschaft Entwicklungspolitische Friedensarbeit/Gruppe FriEnt), p. 6-7 [Title in English: Climate Change, poverty and political instability]

  • Debiel, Tobias/Lambach, Daniel/Reinhardt, Dieter (2007). 'Stay Engaged' statt 'Let Them Fail'. Ein Litera­turbericht über entwicklungspolitische Debatten in Zeiten fragiler Staatlichkeit, INEF-Report 90. Duis­burg: Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden, 71 Seiten [Title in English: ‘ 'Stay Engaged' versus 'Let Them Fail'. A review of the literature on development policy debates in times of fragile statehood]

  • Reinhardt, Dieter/Claudia Rolf (2006). Humanitarian Assistance and Forgotten Crises; UN World Summit and New Financial Mechanisms, INEF Policy Brief 01, Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden, 14 Seiten

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2005). Nation-Building oder Protektorate? Neue Kriege, Staatszerfall und Interventio­nen in Afghanistan, Irak und in der Region der Großen Seen , in: Budzinsksi, Manfred (Hg.): Flüchtlinge im 21. Jahrhundert, Veränderte Fluchtursachen, militärische Interventionen und neue Schutzkonzepte. Bad Boll, p. 33- 44 [Title in English: Nation-Building or Protectorates? New Wars, Failing States and Inter­ventions in Afghanistan, Iraq and in the Great Lakes region.]

  • Reinhardt, Dieter/Debiel, Tobias (2004). Staatsverfall und Weltordnungspolitik: analytische Zugänge und politische Strategien zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts, in: Nord-Süd aktuell 03/2004, p. 525-538 [Title in English: State failure and Global Governance]

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2004). Sammelrezension Robert I. Rotberg (Hg.) 2003: State Failure and State Weak­ness in a Time of Terror,Washington D.C.; Werner Ruf (Hg.) 2003: Politische Ökonomie der Gewalt. Staatszerfall und die Privatisierung von Gewalt und Krieg. Opladen, in: E + Z Zeitschrift für Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit Nr. 7/2004, p. 306 [Titel in English: Book Review: Robert I. Rotberg (ed.) 2003: State Failure and State Weakness in a Time of Terror; Werner Ruf (ed.) 2003: Political economy of violence, state failure and privatisation of violence and war]

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2004). Staatszerfall, Neue Kriege und Bedrohungspotenziale, in: Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft, Nr.3 2004, p. 164-176, [Title in English: Review Essay on failing states, new wars and po­tential threats]

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2004). Wiederaufbau oder Bürgerkrieg im Irak?, in: Weller, Christoph / Ratsch, Ulrich/Mutz, Reinhard / Schoch, Bruno / Hauswedell, Corinna (Hrsg.): Friedensgutachten 2004. Münster, LIT-Verlag, p. 70-78 [Title in English: Reconstruction or civil war in Iraq?]

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2003): Multidimensionale ‚Militärverwaltung’ der USA im Irak, Humanitäre Probleme aus der Sicht des Pentagons und der CIA, in: epd-Entwicklungspolitik Mai 2003, p. 34-38 [Title in English: Multidimensional ‘military administration’ of the US in Iraq, Humanitarian challenges from the perspect­ive of the Pentagon and the CIA]

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2003): Private Sicherheitsdienste schützen Nothelfer, Privatisierung der Sicherheit , in: epd-Entwicklungspolitik September 2003, p. 37-40 [Title in English: Private security services protect hu­manitarian aid workers, privatization of security]

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2003): Rezension von „Alisons des Forges 2002: Kein Zeuge darf überleben, Der Geno­zid in Ruanda", in: Die Friedens-Warte (Journal of International Peace and Organization), Heft 1–2003, p. 77-83 [Title in English: Book Review: Alisons des Forges 2002: No witness should survive, the genocide in Ruanda]

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2002): Kinder auf der Flucht und im Krieg, Anmerkungen zum Stand der Debatte , in: Holm, Karin/Scholz, Uwe (Hg.), Kindheit in Armut weltweit, ISBN 3-8100-3311- 1. Opladen: Leske + Budrich, S. 279-286 [Title in English: Children as refugees, remarks about actual debates]

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2002): Humanitäre NGOs: Dritte Säule der transnationalen Zivilgesellschaft oder außenpolitisches Instrument der Regierungen ? , in: Frantz, C./Zimmer, A., (Hg.): Zivilgesellschaft international, Opladen: Verlag Leske + Budrich, 2002, S. 361-393 [Title in English: Humanitarian NGOs: Third pillar of transnational civil society or foreign policy instrument of governments?]

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2001): Rezension von V. Matthies: Krisenprävention, Vorbeugen ist besser als Heilen, in: Die Friedens-Warte, Bd. 76, Heft 2-3, 2001, S. 320-322 [Title in English: Book review: V. Matthies 2001: Crisis prevention, prevention is better than cure]

  • Reinhardt, Dieter/ Fischer, Martina (2001): Mazedonien und die Lehren aus dem Krieg um Kosovo , in: Frankfurter Rundschau, Dokumentation, 31.7.2001, S. 7 [Title in English: Macedonia and the lessons lear­ned from the Kosovo war]

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2001): Bilaterale zivile Konfliktbearbeitung von Staaten in Westeuropa , in: Österreichi­sches Studienzentrum für Frieden und Konfliktlösung/ Stadtschlainigen (Hg.) , Zivile Konfliktbearbeitung, Eine internationale Herausforderung, Münster 2001, S. 281-302 [Title in English: Bilateral civil conflict re­solution by Western European governments]

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2001): Neue Strukturen der zivilen Krisenprävention und -bearbeitung in der EU, Entscheidungen, Interessen und politische Rhetorik, Vortrag auf der Tagung der Ev. Akademie Bad Boll, 30.3.- 1.4.2001, in: Protokolle der Ev. Akademie Bad Boll Herbst 2001, S. 45-70 [Title in English: New struc­tures of civil conflict prevention and management in the EU. Decisions, interests and political rhetoric]

  • Reinhardt, Dieter (2001): Sammelrezension: Humanitäre Hilfe der EU in Krisengebieten, in: Zeitschrift für Humanitäres Völkerrecht, April 2001, S. 65-66 [Title in English: Book review essay: Humanitarian assistan­ce of the EU in regions of crisis]


Lectures since 2013

  • June 2019: 'Socio-economic impacts and perceptions of Chinese foreign direct ininvestments in the energy
    sector in Bangladesh
    '; conference 'The 7th China - South and Southeast Asian Think Tank Forum', 13-16 June 2019, organized by Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences/Kunming (Yunnan, China) Academy of South and Southeast Asian Studies/Kunming (Yunnan /China)

  • November 2018: 'Impact of Off-grid solar renewable Systems to achieve sustainable energy for all; the example of the world largest 'Solar Home System'-program in Bangladesh'; conference 'Recent trends in business management and sustainable development' (22nd - 24th Nov. 2018) organized by Manipur Institute of Management Studies (MIMS)/Manipur University, North Eastern Management Association (NEMA)/Manipur.

  • March 2018: 'Financing Humanitarian Aid: From Voluntary Contributions towards a More Reliable Funding Mechanism'; workshop organized by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) New York Office

  • 2015: 'Future Impact of Climate Change on Brahmaputra River System: International Law and Transboundary River Systems', conference, University of Assam (Silchar): “Climate Change, Development, Social Transition and Social Policy in North-East India”

  • 2015: 'UN Watercourse Convention and Politics, The example of Brahmaputra', conference, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University (Campus Manipur): “International Conference on Climate Change and Indigenous People in Northeast India”

  • 2013: Paper „Transboundary river basins as regional commons and hydroelectric dam constructions in the Greater Eastern Himala­yan-Region (Southwest Chinese provinces/North-Myanmar/Northeast India/Bangla­desh)”, „3rd International Conference on International Relations and Develop­ment (ICIRD 2013)”, Chulalongkorn Uni­versity/Bangkok; under

  • 2013: Paper „Cross-Boundary Water Resource Management in a Non Cooperative Context: The Case of Eastern Himalaya“ auf dem Panel „Who Wants to be Part of Integrated Water Ressource Management (IWRM)?, The Politics of Scale in Basins and Catchments”, conference, „European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)” (Bordeaux); under

  • 2013: Paper „Modes of Politicization and De-Politicization of Humanitarian Aid, An Assessment of the UN Humanitarian Structures“, Panel: „The Politicization of Humanitari­an Aid?”, „European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)“ (Bordeaux); under



Employment History

  • Since 2020: Assistant Professor, South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University
  • Since Summer Term 2018: Senior Lecturer, South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University
  • Since Winter Term 2013: Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Society and Economics/Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences/Germany,  see https://www.hochschule-rhein-waal.de/en/page/dr-rer-pol-dieter-reinhardt-0
  • 2003 – 2012: Assistant Professor, Institute of Political Science/University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) (Germany); Research Fellow/Associate Fellow, Institute for Development and Peace (INEF)/University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)

  • 2000 – 2003 Lecturer, Faculty for Social Sciences, University of Osnabrück (Germany)

  • Before 2000: Exceutive Director of ‘German Red Cross’ refugee camps; Public Relations Officer and Fundraiser, ‘Terre Des Hommes’ (children rights NGO);

Professional Qualifications

  • December, 2012: Award of PhD in Political Science at the Institute for Political Science, University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) (Germany); title of the PhD thesis: ‘Global Gov­ernance in the field of humanitarian assistance, UN coordination in complex emergencies since the end of the Cold War: Modes of operation and Need for Reform'.


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